[Our very adoptable 'Sadie', now 4 weeks old. Check the
Available Page for all current adoptable pigs]
The weigh in for Saturday the 26th November 2011:
*** Liam's Love Shack ***
Liam is 955g (gain 5g) - 33wks (7.5m)
Crumble is 1055g (loss 45g) - 1 year old (Happy Birthday Crumble!)
Elodie is 725g (same) - 17wks (4m)
*** Romeo's Roost ***
Romeo is 425g (gain 50g) - 8wks (1.5m)
Lavender Mist is 650g (loss 30g) - 15wks (3.5m)
*** Malakai's Quarters ***
Malakai is 745g (gain 25g) - 17wks (4m)
Millicent is 680g (gain 30g) - 17wks (4m)
Molly is 610g (gain 20g) - 15wks (3.5m)
Sparrow is 980g (loss 20g) - 34wks (8m)
*** Violet's Arrangement ***
Violet is 640g (gained 10g) - 19wks (4.5m)
Pooh Bear is 1035g (gained 5g) - on loan
*** Girl's Mansion ***
Alba is 920g (loss 10g) - 39wks (8.5m)
Alice is 870g (loss 5g) - 42wks (10m)
Chloe is 390g (gain 50g) - 8wks (1.5m)
Custard is 960g (loss 50g) - 4.5yrs
Demi is 480g (gained 60g) - 9wks (2m)
Galaxy was 965g (loss 15g)- 46wks (10.5m)
Ginger is 1445g (gained 70g) - 36wks (8.5m) - (Heavily pregnant, due approx 2/12)
Ivy is 500g (gained 35g) - 9wks (2m)
Jasmine is 425g (gain 50g) - 10wks (2m)
Leilani is 950g (gained 60g) - 23wks (5.5m) - (Pregnant, Due approx 30/12)
Lotus is 500g (gained 40g) - 9wks (2m)
Peppa is 1095g (gained 75g) - 1yr
Ruby is 980g (gained 5g) - 36wks (8.5m)
Sheba is 1035g (gain 5g) - 44wks (10.5m)
Subi is 1160g (loss 20g) - 2.5yrs
Tigerlily is 460g (loss 10g) - 9wks (2m)
Twizzle is 510g (gain 20g) - 9wks (2m)
Yeti is 860g (loss 20g) - 25wks (5.5m)
Zinnia is 490g (gain 20g) - 9wks (2m)
***Re-homing/Foster Pigs***
Rafia is 740g (gained 20g) - 12wks (2.5m) - (pregnant, due approx 8/12)
Tabitha is 250g (gain 15g) - 4wks - (treating for mites)
Xeraphina is 390g (same) 7wks - (treating for mites)
***New Mums***
Lulu is 585g (gave birth) - 13wks (3m) - (nursing)
Anthea is 110g (newborn)
Amity is 120g (newborn
Bonnie is 950g (gave birth) - 26wks (6m) - (nursing)
Bella-Donna is 140g (gain 15g since birth) - newborn
Bethanie is 140g (loss 10g since birth) - newborn
Phoebe is now 710g (loss 15g) - 32wks (7.5m) - (nursing)
Noah is 205g (gained 55g) - 2wks
Nixie is 185g (gained 35g) - 2wks
Delilah is 665g (lost 40g) - approx 1yr - (nursing)
Sadie is 260g (gained 25g) - 4wks
Suri is 270g (gained 20g) - 4wks

Everyone seems to be doing really well. A few losses, and a few gains, but we're pretty much on the right track. Noah and Nixie are little fire-crackers! They're a bit like the 'spoilt brats' of the girls group, getting away with outrageous things like sitting smack-bang in the middle of the grain bowl! All the other babies hang back at the outskirts, taking their turn once the girls have lost interest.
But Noah and Nixie aren't like the other babies! lol. They are definitely their mother's children!

We have some exciting news too, Leilani has been confirmed pregnant, approx 5 weeks. I've been keeping an eye on her for the last few weeks, but wasn't sure until today. She's always been a little chubby! She spent a fortnight with Malakai before I got information from her original breeder that her background is actually pedigree texel x pedigree coronet. That changed my plans quick smart - and she was taken from her stay-over with Malakai, and moved in with Liam. The problem with this is that the 'change over' happened exactly 5 weeks ago! So I won't know who the daddy is until the babies are born. Both boys have very different genetics to offer, so I'm thinking it should be pretty obvious. I'm secretly hoping they're Liam's, but if they're Malakai's it will be his first litter which will be nice too.
And lastly, our mite infected pigs are doing really well. Xeraphina (shown below) and Tabitha have no bald spots/scabbing/scaling anymore, and their coats are already growing back in. One more week or improvement and they'll be able to join the rest of the ladies in the mansion! (I'll do a more detailed post on their progress later in the week.)