I've made the decision to pop Sprout into quarantine on his own for a while to see if I can get on top of his hair loss. It is definitely mites. I've seen this so many times. I'm thinking that last week's revolution dosage must have been too minimal. I've doubled it today, to see if that will kick them (mind you, that's still only 0.5cc!)
But I supposed it's not all bad. He gets a nice big bath tub lined with fresh newspaper, hay, Lucerne chaff, oxbow pellets, parsley, fresh picked grass and fresh veg all to himself!(and he gets to stay inside at night! It would be way too cold out there for him on his own!). Oh, and his very own 'Jatz crackers box to hide in!
So fingers crossed that this time next week I'll be able to tell you that the mites are clearing up.

I'm also hoping to get the pigs some of these awesome piggy snuggle sacks. Just waiting to see if I can get a bulk order with some pink ones for the girls, and a more masculine one for poor old Sprout! Click here to check out the MadeIt store where I found these.
Poor sprout, best of luck!