The weigh in for Saturday the 17th Dec 2011:
*** Liam's Love Shack ***
Liam is 960g (gain 10g) - 36wks (8.5m)
Crumble is 1135g (gain 50g) - 1yr
Elodie is 825g (gain 75g) - 20wks (4.5m)
*** Romeo's Roost ***
Romeo is 565g (gain 40g) - 11wks (2.5m)
Lavender Mist is 710g (gain 5g) - 18wks (4m)
*** Malakai's Quarters ***
Malakai is 810g (gain 10g) - 19wks (4m)
Molly is 700g (gain 35g) - 18wks (4m)
*** Girl's Mansion ***
Alba is 980g (gain 40g) - 42wks (9.5m)
Alice is 960g (gain 70g) - 45wks (10.5m)
Chloe is 540g (gain 70g) - 11wks (2.5m)
Custard is 960g (gain 35g) - 4.5yrs
Delilah is 815g (gained 25g) - approx 1yr
Galaxy is 1065g (gain 70g)- 49wks (11m)
Ivy is 660g (gained 70g) - 12wks (2.5m)
Jasmine is 520g (gain 40g) - 13wks (3m)
Leilani is 1185g (gained 60g) - 26wks (6m)- (Pregnant, due approx 30/12/11)
Lotus is 630g (gained 55g) - 12wks (2.5m)
Millicent is 880g (gain 95g) - 19wks (4.5m)- (Pregnant, due approx 15/1/12)
Nixie is 365g (gained 60g) - 5wks (1m)
Peppa is 1255g (gained 75g) - 1yr - (Pregnant, due approx 6/1/12)
Phoebe is now 800g (gain 50g) - 35wks (8m)
Pollyanna is now 395g (gained 70g) - 6wks (1.5m)
Ruby is 1080g (gain 60g) - 39wks (9m)
Sparrow is 1030g (gain 25g) - 37wks (8.5m) - (Pregnant, due 22/1/12)
Subi is 1165g (gain 5g) - 2.5yrs - (Pregnant, due 22/1/12)
Tabitha is 400g (gain 55g) - 7wks (1.2m)
Tigerlily is 590g (gain 65g) - 12wks (2.5m)
Twizzle is 660g (gain 60g) - 12wks (2.5m)
Violet is 755g (gained 35g) - 22wks (5m) - (Pregnant, due approx 15/1/12)
Xeraphina is 530g (gain 50g) 10wks (2.5m)
Yeti is 950g (gain 80g) - 28wks (6.5m) - (Pregnant, due 22/1/12)
Zinnia is 625g (gain 65g) - 12wks (2.5m)
***New Mums***
Rafia is 595g (gain 15g) - 15wks (3.5m) - (nursing)
Juji is 150g (gain 30g) - 2wks
Jairo is 165g (gain 35g - 2wks
Ginger is 945g (gained 10g)- 39wks (9m) - (nursing)
Gypsy is 160g (gain 45g) - 2wks
Grace is 175g (gain 55g) - 2wks
Lulu is 625g (gain 25g) - 16wks (3.5m) - (nursing)
Anthea is 230g (gain 55g) - 3wks
Amity is 205g (gain 45g) - 3wks
Bonnie is 955g (gain 20g) - 29wks (6.5m) - (nursing)
Bella-Donna is 300g (gain 55g) - 3wks
Bethanie is 305g (gain 70g) - 3wks

[the aftermath of grain-eating time. They get it everywhere!]
All I can say is WOW. That has got to be one of the best weeks we've had with consistent gains in a long time. Even the nursing mum's gained. I was sitting here trying to work out what we did differently this week... and the only thing was the new batch of grain! They're all obviously enjoying this lot!

[Yeti's hair is already growing back in!]
I've been waiting on a few of my girls to determine if they had buns in the oven, or if it was just a bit of excess grain-gobbling. But this week we've confirmed Millicent (fathered by Malakai), Violet (father by Pooh Bear - the texel on loan), Sparrow (fathered by Liam), Subi (most likely fathered by Liam, as Sprout didn't seem to have done the job), and Yeti (fathered by Liam).
*Yeti and Liam are going to have STUNNING babies! They will be alpaca x texel.
*Subi and Liam's bubs will be purebred rex x pedigree texel.
*Sparrow and Liam's bubs have a high possibility of being curly (Sparrow's two litter-brothers were both curly haired, so it's very likely she carries the recessive gene)
*and Violet and Pooh Bear will have either purebred texels (if I can't get his paperwork) or pedigree if I can.

[Ginger having a snooze yesterday afternoon]
Wow! I just LOVE Yeti's hair! Awwwwww Ginger is so sweet!