Sunday, June 9, 2013

Maximus and Periwinkle

I'm a little trigger-happy with my camera at times, and I tend to try and get updates of the bubs born here each week for the first month of their life, followed by fortnightly/monthly after that. It's so fascinating watching the long-coated bubs grow up.

These are some update pics I took of Maximus and Periwinkle the texel half-brothers recently. Maximus in particular is looking so lovely - like a ball of cotton-wool with eyes!

Periwinkle is looking really lovely too, not quite the same amount of 'curl', nor quite the same amount of density. But while a 2-week old can give a great indication of the eventual quality of the pig, it's not a hard and fast rule. Some 'less-dense' looking pigs can really surprise you as they grow.

Can't wait to watch these two grow their full coats.

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