It was four months ago that Miss Delilah arrived at the caviary. She had been found, heavily pregnant in a pet store, delivering her bubs only days after she was taken home by a fellow piggy lover. Two weeks after this, Delilah and her baby daughters arrived here so they could be cared for and rehomed. Delilah was in pretty good condition, but was quite thin. I was just blown away by how unusual her coat was... and now even more so!

Four months of conditioning has meant that her coat is now Super thick and considerably longer than before too.

It kind of has a soft, dense under coat, with a longer wirery top coat. She's the closest thing to a 'Swiss' guinea pig that I've seen here in Australia. And I really wish I knew what her origins were!

If any other Aussie guinea pig people have any other experience with coat's like this, I'd love to hear from you!

i should bought a pig that looks just like this from a pet store. what breed is this?