Today's Weigh in:
Sprout is 415g (gained 45g) - 8wks
Sparrow is 430g (gained 10g) - 8wks
Liam is 490g (gained 30g) - 9wks
Ruby is 595g (gained 10g) - 11wks
Ginger is 610g (gained 20g) - 11wks
Kobe is 600g (stayed the same) - 14wks
Alice is 565g (gained 40g) - 16wks
Beeno is 550g (gained 35g) - 14wks
Alba is 600g (gained 35g) - 14wks
Custard is 860g (lost 45g) - 4yrs
and Subi is 1.040g 1.235g (lost 195g) - 1-2yrs (gave birth during the week)
Bonnie is 195g (gained 45g) - 5days old
Total piggy weight 6.900kg (total gain 130g)
We had a few losses this week, and some quite minimal gains. I'm wondering if Bonnie's birth has anything to do with that? Obviously Subi lost weight, but maybe the addition of a new baby has thrown a spanner in the works for the others as well? Maybe they're all too busy looking out for Bonnie to eat!? Or maybe Subi has been particularly nasty/bossy with the others this week because Bonnie is around?
(Alice, Alba and Liam, and Beeno and Sprout still gained a reasonable amount and they all live in separate cages, so there might be something to my theory!)
So it seems that the mansion may not be the most restful place to live at the moment. Well, for everyone except for Bonnie! The little porker has gained 45g in the last 5 days! Which is nearly 1/3 of her weight at birth. Wow. I suppose life is good when you're the sole baby of an over-protective (guinea pig) mumma! And when you have 5 other girls to wait on you hand and paw!
The top photo is Custard on 'baby sitting duty' while Subi and the others went outside to eat grass! Instinctively Bonnie stayed behind and buried herself in the straw making little chirping noises. I watched as Custard went back inside the cage and sat with her, cuddling up to her and gently nudging her to the corner to sit down. Pretty extraordinary behaviour for a piggy who's never had a litter before!

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