
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Beautiful Boris

Beautiful Boris is approaching his first birthday - and celebrated with a pretty new hair bow! (lol - I don't actually think he liked his new look very much. Luckily we only kept him like this long enough to snap a pic!)

Friday, April 24, 2015

New bubs!

We knew one of our gorgeous girls was due soon, but I didn't realise how soon! Only two days after setting her up in the maternity suite we came home to find three stunning little bubs.

I had expected to see curly-coated bubs (mum is our long-curly-rosetted girl 'Harriet', and dad is our lilac alpaca 'Dante'), but we got three straight-coated sheba-type bubs instead. The only explaination for this is the old different-origin-curl-gene issue that I've witnessed a few times in the past. I was under the impression that cavies with 'foreign' curl genes are fairly rare in Australia due to our stick no-import laws... but this is getting rediculous!

These three will be stunning regardless though, and will all grow long straight coats that stick up in all directions. The bub at the top of the page is 'Harry'. He is lilac with a splash of gold and white.

The bub below is 'Hayley'. She is lemon agouti, cream and white. And the bub below her is 'Ham' - he is also a tri-agouti, but with a darker gold agouti base.

Mumma Harriet with Harry. And below we have daddy pig - 'Dante'.

The weather is really starting to cool down here in Brisbane now too. So we've whipped up a few new piggy bedding items. We're also taking part in an online 'Pet Palooza' show this weekend for makers of all things pet related - and we have a few handmade items available there as well if you'd like to check it out. A lot of the bigger art dolls have been adopted already, but most of the bedding is still available.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Story time!

Miss 5 decided Axel might appreciate being read a story. I love the book she chose... lol

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Afternoon tea and guinea pig plushie kits

I was giving the girls in the barn cage their afternoon tea today, and Quinn, Eloise and Curly Sue all lined up nicely around their capscium - so I decided to snap a quick pic. It looks like Eloise is smiling! They do enjoy their capsicum here. Some pigs more then others - but we try to include it every week as it is so rich in vitamin C that a little goes a long way to providing the pigs with their essential requirements. Fresh green grass everyday also helps :)

And later on in the evening I was asked to set up a kit listing for our exclusive 'realistic guinea pig' plushie design. We currently have three fabric options in the guinea pig kits - but if you're a little more quirky and would like to make a non-realisticly coloured cavy plushie just let us know and we can set up a custom kit just for you :)