
Friday, May 29, 2015

A few photos from around the caviary

This is little Harry at nearly 6wks old. He's a fluffy little dude!

This was Harry's sister just before she left for her new home last weekend. She was even fluffier!!

This is 'Ohana The Lucky One' and his little buddy.

And these are some photos from the barn-hutch. The babies are all old enough to make their way up and down the ramp now, so all the mums and bubs live in one big community. It's so good to see them all interacting and 'sharing'! lol

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mary had... three little pigs!

Just as the sun was setting yesterday afternoon, our beautiful dark-eyed-white peruvian sow 'Mary' gave birth to three large, fluffy, gorgeous little alpaca bubs! I was in love the second I held those wiggly little bodies up to my face. I couldn't wait to take day-light photos of them this morning.

We have Arthur - the little boy, Arwen and Audrey - the little girls. How amazing are they going to look with those curls grown out!

Friday, May 15, 2015

baby updates

Harriet and Dante's bubs are now 3.5wks old. The boys have moved into the bachelor pad with Boris and Axel (and there were no dramas thankfully, everyone snuggles up together at night and there is hardly any tiffs). The photo above is 'Harry' at 2weeks, and below is him at 3weeks.

This is the little lady of the litter at 3 weeks. She'll be off to her new home next weekend.

And this little guy did NOT want photos! These were the clearest pics I could get of him. He's a stunning little boy and will have a peruvian-ish coat when grown up (he does have a number of extra rosettes but not enough to take him from peruvian to sheba). We will likely have this little guy available for adoption in a few weeks, but for now I'm just holding on to him until I have another boy to pair him with as I don't want him going out on his own.